The Four Apostles APEST

The word apostle means one who is sent and scales, but did you know there’s different kinds of apostles? For example, both Peter and Paul were apostles, but they had different kinds of apostolic ministries. Paul focused more on starting new communities form scratch, while Peter focused more on mobilizing the already existing people of God for mission. Also, some apostles have a broader vision for cities, while other apostles have a more focused vision for specific communities. 

When these different focal points are combined, they point us to four different kinds of apostles, each with their own unique way of teaching people – the front-runner, front-liner, advancer, and ambassador.  

Do you want to learn more about these four different kinds of Apostles, and how they each contribute to our growth and development in Christ? Take our online course. We’ll explore things like:

  • the Biblical definition of apostle
  • what all apostles have in common
  • how apostles differ from evangelists
  • four different kinds of apostles and their corresponding approaches to ministry
  • next steps to develop apostolic skills and sensibilities

If you want to deepen your understanding of apostles, and the unique ways they add value to the body, this course is for you!