APEST Coaching

Take the next step in your APEST journey.

Our Coaching Tracks

Everyone is at a different place in their APEST journey, so we offer 3 different coaching tracks – Elevate, Apex, and Vanguard to meet you where you are. Check out the details for each track below and select the one that fits you and your goals.


Coaching for APEST Beginners

Elevate coaching is for those who are getting started, but want to Go to the Next Level in their APEST journey.


Coaching for Experienced APEST Leaders/Practitioners

Apex coaching is for those who want to Become a Guide and Equipper for others on their APEST journey


Coaching for Teams & Groups

Vanguard coaching is for Teams who want to Develop an APEST Micro-Culture that scales. 

Elevate Coaching Track

Go the Next Level in Your APEST Journey

Elevate coaching is designed for people who have a basic understanding of APEST, but want to take that knowledge and start applying it in their life and ministry. Click "The Journey" tab below for more details.

The Journey

Join others on their APEST journey for a five-month coaching experience that features five comprehensive modules designed to help you apply APEST paradigms and practices in your life, leadership, groups, and ministry. The final module leads you through a process of desinging and developing an APEST Project plan that you can implement in your own context. For a detailed description, click here.

The Group

Our coaching groups are small, interactive learning experiences designed for 4-8 participants. These groups meet weekly for a total of 20 one-hour sessions, focusing on various APEST paradigms and practices. The small group size ensures personalized interactions and an opportunity for in-depth discussions, learning, and feedback.

The Calls

There are a total of 20 weekly Zoom calls, each 6o minutes long, with 4-8 other participants. Each call consists of three 20 minute blocks:



Participants share their learning experience from previous application exercises done between the calls, with personalized feedback from Tim



A presentation introducing new content around an APEST topic, tool, and tactic



Reflection and discussion around applying topics, tools, and tactics in your context, with customized feedback from Tim


Each coaching session is designed to cultivate seven developmental outcomes. Each outcome helps focus the goals of each coaching session, and provides a metric by which you can assess your own growth throughout the coaching experience. For more information on coaching outcomes, click here.


Every participant will recieve the following seven deliverables:

  • E-Participants Guide with Tools, Exercises, & space for Sketching and Note Taking for each session
  • Personal APEST Profile Test Results
  • Comprehensive APEST Maturity Description highighting growth points for each gifting
  • List of simple and practical exercises to startbmaturing in each gifting
  • A Project Plan for piloting an APEST project in your context
  • Downloadable files of all Presentation Slides, Tools, Graphics & Resources
  • Video Recordings of all 20 Coaching Sessions

Get Started

Ready to take the next step in your APEST journey? Get started with our Elevate coaching group:

  • Unlock foundational APEST insights for personal growth
  • Enhance your leadership with practical APEST strategies
  • Build meaningful connections within a supportive community
  • Apply APEST principles to real-life scenarios for impactful change

Join others in their APEST journey and learn proven tools and tactics for applying APEST in your life, leadership, and ministry context




Ask us about our discounts for missionaries and leaders working in smaller churches and non-profits.

Apex Coaching Track

Become an APEST Guide for Others

Apex coaching is designed for people who have a working knowledge of APEST, have started practicing in their context, but want to effectively guide others in their APEST journey. Click "The Journey" tab below for more details.

The Journey

Join other APEST practitioners on a ten-month train-the-trainer coaching experience that features five comprehensive modules that help you achieve mastery as an APEST trainer in theological, individual, group, team, and organizational development. The final module leads you through a process of designing and developing an APEST Equipping Track that you can use to train others in your context. For a more detailed description of the modules, click here.

The Group

Our coaching groups are small, interactive learning experiences designed for 4-8 participants. These groups meet bi-weekly for a total of 20 one-hour sessions, for high level training on how to coach, mentor and disciple others on their APEST Journey in 1 to 1, group, team, and organizational contexts. The small group size ensures personalized interactions and an opportunity for in-depth discussions, learning, and feedback.

The Calls

There are a total of 20 bi-weekly Zoom calls, each 6o minutes long, with 4-8 other participants. Each call consists of three 20 minute blocks:



Participants share their learning experience from previous application exercises done between the calls, with personalized feedback from Tim



A presentation introducing new content around training others in APEST topics, tools, and tactics, with a focus on practical, scenario based settings



Reflection and discussion around applying topics, tools, and tactics in your training, with customized feedback from Tim


Each coaching session is designed to cultivate seven developmental outcomes for APEST trainiers. Each outcome helps focus the goals of each coaching session, and provides a metric by which you can assess your own growth throughout the coaching experience. For a more detailed description of coaching outcomes, click here.


Every participant will recieve the following seven deliverables:

  • E-Participants Guide with Tools, Exercises, & space for Sketching and Note Taking for each session
  • "Designing APEST Equipping Tracks" Framework
  • "Equipping Process Maturity Model" Template
  • A Plan for piloting an APEST Equipping Project in your context
  • Downloadable files of all Presentation Slides, Tools, Graphics, Articles, & Resources
  • Video Recordings of all 20 Coaching Sessions

Get Started

Ready to take the first step towards becoming an Guide and Equipper for others on thier APEST journey? Our train-the-trainer Apex coaching experience will help you develop mastery in:

  • Presenting Foundational APEST paradigms, concepts, and organizing frameowrks so you can help people asses where they are in their APEST journey
  • Coaching individuals an groups through developmental processes so they can see real, tangible growth and maturity in their life and ministry
  • Designing and delivering impactful APEST training sessions, workshops, and interactive learning experiences that resonate with diverse audiences
  • Applying APEST practices, tools, and tactics in variable contextsApplying APEST practices, tools, and tactics in variable contexts so you can effectively scale your APEST training, across and beyond teams and organizations
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of your training so you can continuosly improve as a coach and trainer.




Ask us about our discounts for missionaries and leaders working in smaller churches and non-profits.

Vanguard Coaching Track

Create an APEST micro-culture that scales

Vanguard coaching is designed for teams that want to develop an APEST micro-culture in their team that can scale across and beyond their organization. Click "The Journey" tab below for more details.

The Journey

Invite your team to journey with you through our ten-month coaching experince that features five comprehensive modules, each designed to help you navigate the complex task of creating a healthy and thriving APEST Team culture that can scale across and beyond your organization.

We come alongside to facilitate an experience of individual and team discovery, mapping out essential APEST paradigms and practices for equipping each team member in the basic skills of each APEST function, while also developing your teams capacity to navigate the unity and diversity of APEST in healthy and practical ways. For a more detailed description of the modules, click here

The Group

Our coaching groups are small, interactive learning experiences designed for 4-8 participants. These groups meet bi-weekly for a total of 20 one-hour sessions. The small group size ensures personalized interactions and an opportunity for in-depth discussions, learning, and feedback.

The Calls

There are a total of 20 bi-weekly Zoom calls, each 6o minutes long, with 4-8 other participants. Each call consists of three 20 minute blocks:



Participants share their learning experience from previous application exercises done between the calls, with personalized feedback from Tim



A presentation introducing new content around APEST topics, tools, and tactics, with an overall focus on creating and scaling an APEST micro-culture



Reflection and discussion around applying topics, tools, and tactics in your team and organization, with customized feedback from Tim


Each coaching session is designed to cultivate seven developmental outcomes for individual team members, and the team as a whole. Each outcome helps focus the goals of each coaching session, and provides a metric by which you can assess individual and team growth throughout the coaching experience. he coaching experience. For a more detailed description of coaching outcomes, click here.


Every participant will recieve the following seven deliverables:

  • E-Participants Guide with Tools, Exercises, & space for Sketching and Note Taking for each session
  • Individual and Team APEST Profile Assessments
  • Team Lifecycle Maturity Assessment
  • “Designing APEST Equipping Tracks” Framework
  • "Equipping Process Maturity Model" Template
  • Downloadable files of all Presentation Slides, Tools, Graphics, Articles, & Resources
  • Video Recordings of all 20 Coaching Sessions

Get Started

Ready to unlock the full potential of your team? Invite them on a journey of discovery, growth, and continuous improvement that develops:

  • Greater awareness and deeper appreciation of how each team member uniquely contributes to the health and Christ-like maturity of the team so that every voice is heard and vauled
  • Customized equipping pathways for each team member that helps them develop the basic skills of each APEST function so they can expereince Christ-like maturity and respond more effectively to adaptive challenges
  • Healthy communication and interaction that fosters love, respect, trust, and vulnerability so that each team member can bring the fullness of who they are to the team
  • Dynamic collaboration that leverages the collective intelligence of the team for creative problem solving, decision making, and strategic planning



($950 per team member)


Ask us about our discounts for missionary teams, and teams working in smaller churches and non-profits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our coaching groups are small, interactive learning experiences designed for 4-8 participants. These groups meet weekly (or bi-weekly) for a total of 20 one-hour sessions, focusing on various APEST paradigms and practices. The small group size ensures personalized interactions and an opportunity for in-depth discussions, learning, and feedback.

Our coaching groups are customized for a diverse range of individuals. Whether you’re an everyday Christian looking to apply APEST in your life, a small group or ministry leader, or a leader of a church, church plant, or non-profit, our coaching groups are designed to meet you where you are in your APEST journey and guide you to where you want to be.

The sessions are led by Tim Catchim who is one of the world’s leading APEST subject matter experts and practitioners. Tim guides the group through each session, ensuring a productive and enriching learning experience.

Highly interactive! We encourage active participation, discussions, and collaboration among group members. This interactive environment fosters a deeper understanding of the content and helps build valuable, collaborative networks.

We take a hybrid approach to learning that incorporates both reflection and action. While we provide focused times of reflection and discussion during each coaching session, each person is given an application exercise to do between each one of the sessions. These exercises are designed to not only develop specific skills and sensibilities in each participant, but they also provide a focal point for reflection and discussion at the beginning of each coaching session. 

Some of the coaching groups may have prerequisites, which are clearly listed in the coaching group descriptions. 

While we don’t offer a trial period, before diving into any commitments, we prioritize understanding exactly what you’re looking for and ensuring we can deliver to your expectations. Let’s have a chat to see how our coaching groups align wiht your needs and goals. Just click here to schedule a conversation with Tim.

We also provide a detailed description of each coaching group so you can understand the coaching process, content, and structure before making a commitment. 

We stand by the quality of our coaching, but we also understand that circumstances can change. Our refund policy is designed to be fair and transparent. Please refer to our ‘Terms and Conditions’ for detailed information on refunds.

To find the best coaching group for you, consider where you are in your APEST journey. Our Elevate coaching group is for people who have a basic understanding of APEST but want to take that knowledge and put it into practice in their life, leadership, and ministry context.

The Apex coaching group is for people who have a working knowledge of APEST, have started applying APEST in their context, but want to learn how to guide and equip others in their APEST journey, too.

Vangaurd coaching is for teams who want to develop an APEST micro-culture in their team so they can effectively scale APEST across and beyond their organization. Each coaching group comes with a detailed description and relevant information to help you make an informed decision.

Coaching groups meet on weekdays for one hour sessions on a weekly or bi-weekly rhythm. The time of day, and day of the week is determined by consensus among participants before the coaching group begins.

The Elevate coaching groups meet for about 5 months. The Apex and Vanguard coaching groups meet for about 10 months. See coaching group descriptions above for more details.   

Groups are formed based on the time of enrollment and availability. Our aim is to create a dynamic and diverse group that enhances the learning experience for all members.

Overall, participants can expect to gain a deeper understanding of individual APEST giftings and how they work together for personal and group development. Our coaching groups are designed with a strong emphasis on both theological and practical, hands-on learning.

More specifically, Elevate coaching groups focus on developing practical skills and sensibilities for applying APEST in life, leadership, and group contexts, with APEST teams and organizational dynamics being reserved exclusively for the Apex and Vanguard coaching groups.

The goal is to guide you through a transformative process so you can feel empowered and equipped to realize the full potential of APEST in your context. 

Joining is simple! Just click on the ‘Coaching Groups’ button at the top of the page, select the coaching group you want to join – Elevate, Apex, or Vanguard – and click on the “Join a Group” button to start the process. We’ll then contact you with further details. Groups start at various times throughout the year, so we’ll work to find a start date that suits you.

We understand that conflicts can arise. If you miss a session, we record each session so you can watch and stay in step with the rest of the group. However, regular participation is encouraged to ensure the best experience for you, and other participants in the group.

Yes, definitely! Completing a coaching group doesn’t mean the end of your APEST journey with us. Everyone who participates in a coaching group is invited to join a private Facebook Group where you can connect, share insights, and grow together with others in their APEST journey. 

For those who want a more focused investment, you can enroll in our Co-Lab where other APEST practitioners and enthusiasts meet online twice a month for ongoing coaching and consulting with Tim. A Co-Lab is kind of like a Mastermind group meets Community of Practice, but more relational. See Co-Lab at the top of the page for more details.